
Social Media Platforms: Facebook - Part III

Facebook - Part 3

Dealing with Friend Requests

Generally, it makes the most sense to only accept friend requests from people you know in some form or another. After all, anyone who becomes your friend has access to whatever information you share with your friends. This is why it makes the most sense for you to also create a Fan Page for your business. That way, if someone you do not know “friend-requests” you and is a potential lead, you will be able to direct them to your fan page. Don’t worry, you can still communicate directly with him or her from a fan page.

Managing Your News Feed

Once you start developing a network of friends on your personal profile, you’ll begin to receive lots of notifications on your news feed. Thankfully, Facebook allows you to control who and what you see in your news feed.
If you’re sick of hearing about people’s farms, trips, quizzes, questions, or any other silly app that is cluttering up your news feed, hover over any post within your news feed and click the “Hide” button. From here, you will have the option to hide users themselves or the app that is spamming your news feed on their behalf. Don’t be shy about hiding annoying friends from showing up in your news feed, they won’t know you have hidden them, and you will remain friends with them. Utilize “Hide” to make your news feed more manageable and useful.

Joining Groups and Becoming a Fan of Pages

Not only can you be a resource for potential buyers through Facebook, but Facebook can be a fantastic resource for you! Search around for groups and fan pages that have like-minded people talking about your interests. You’ll be surprised at how many there are and how much you can learn from them.
Introduce yourself and start participating in the conversation.

Vanity URL for your Profile and Fan Page

Recently, Facebook has allowed users to create vanity URL’s for their personal profiles and fan pages. Simply put, a vanity URL lets you create a custom URL that will take users to your profile or fan page. For example, you can have the vanity URL http://www.facebook.com/mycompany. Vanity URL’s provide a memorable link that makes sharing much easier. Claim your vanity URL at http://www.facebook.com/username/.

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